trelag exists to solve problems.

We were born from restlessness. From the desire to seek innovative solutions to the usual problems. From the will to develop original solutions to the problems of tomorrow.


We unite two worlds to solve the challenges that modern engineering brings to sectors such as Metalworking, Energy and Oil & Gas.

Our highly qualified team has extensive experience in the academic sector and in R&D projects. We operate bringing new insight into the problems of process optimization and increase in operational efficiency.


We are problem solvers. We optimize processes or components. We ensure that a structure or machinery can endure or resume operation. We develop new designs or improve existing ones. We investigate reasons for failure in a process or system and bring solutions.


We always have a solution.

Our Team

Gustavo de Abreu Cáceres
Gustavo is the bridge between your company and our specialists. He has the engineering and business management know-how to identify your demands and understand the solutions that best fit your business’s needs. Most importantly, he knows how to translate to our experts the challenges your business needs to overcome.
Boris Nahuel Rojo Tanzi
Boris is our specialist for all electromechanical and technology problems and is in charge of our instrumentation and control projects. He has a bachelor’s degree in Electromechanical Engineering from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (FI-UNLP) and a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Currently, he is also conducting advanced PhD research on the process of collapse in complex structural systems at the Applied Mechanics Group (GMAp) from UFRGS.
