We are ready to answer any questions you may have about us!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

icone-faq-1  Service

Our field of action is multidisciplinary. Currently, our main areas of activity encompass mechanical and electromechanical engineering. As our speciality is innovation, research and development, it is common to deal more with energy, oil & gas, metal industry and mechanical sectors. We work with consultancies, structural integrity analysis, instrumentation and monitoring of structures, industrial design and R&D.
The problems we work on are very diverse, so there is no standard process. In general, after defining the issue being dealt with and the desired objectives, we set up a group of specialists to deal with the challenge and propose tailored solutions, which are optimized until the problem is answered. Each challenge always receives a customized form of action.
Our activities encompass:
  • Emergency demand solutions, where there is a problem to be solved as soon as feasible, where we analyze the situation and deliver the solution that optimizes the response time.
  • Structured design solutions, where the defined problem requires the development and improvement of solution alternatives until a tailored answer is reached for the desired objective.
  • Continuous demand solutions, where even after delivering the tailored solution, which meets the customer’s goals, there is a follow-up to guarantee the solution’s functionality in the long term.
  • The completion of each project is sealed with a technical report containing all the information relevant to the project, the proposed solution and all the justifications on which our answer is based. Depending on the solution contracted, documentation in the form of a calculation report, technical drawings and/or prototypes, customized instruction system and/or data collected might be included. Additionally, all the necessary documentation for applying for intellectual property protection is also provided in the case of an innovation project.
    We provide innovative solutions to your problems in mechanical and electromechanical engineering fields. The main focuses of trelag are consulting, structural integrity analysis, instrumentation and project development.

    faq3  Helping clients

    Each job is customized to the demand presented to us, so the time required depends on the complexity and extent of the contracted service. Our budgets always show the total estimated time in detail and the time needed for each stage until the completion of the service/project.
    Due to our line of work, there is no ready-made recipe for innovative solutions when dealing with highly complex engineering challenges. However, in summary, we can say that the process can be divided into three steps. The first and most important is understanding the problem and all aspects that must be considered. The second refers to the creation of viable alternatives for approaching the problem. And the last step is the delivery of the solution.
    In the first step, in which we understand the problem, we seek to define all the data necessary to deal with the challenge we face. This is the most crucial part of any project. Many companies fail to deliver an optimized service or product because they do not adequately understand the problem they are dealing with or because they know it superficially and ignore relevant aspects that cannot be underestimated.
    In the last step, we deliver the solution that achieves the desired objectives in the best possible way. It is much more than simply giving the answer to a problem. We always ensure our customers understand why the answer we are delivering is the best possible solution. Knowing why the solution works is as critical to ensuring you get the most out of it as comprehending the problem itself. Each solution we create is delivered with detailed support material (manuals, documentation, calculation reports, models and algorithms used, prototypes, among others) to ensure its correct implementation.
    Yes, but it is necessary to remember that a solution to an urgent problem will be an emergency solution. Optimized solutions capable of meeting your demand with maximum efficiency involve the mandatory step of going through a process of solution maturation, which implies time.
    We guarantee the delivery of a solution designed and optimized to solve your demands intelligently. However, we emphasize that the efficiency of any solution depends on the willingness and commitment to implement it.

    especial  Expertise

    trelag offers intelligent solutions to problems in the mechanical and electromechanical engineering fields for any industrial sector.
    Yes, we work on projects, consulting, numerical computations and structural integrity analysis for this and other industrial sectors.
    Yes, trelag has comprehensive experience with innovative solutions for the challenges faced by sectors with high structural and technological demand.

    faq4  Pricing

    Once you contact us, we suggest a meeting or visit to better understand your need for a solution. Once your demand has been analyzed, a budget will be prepared to detail the sequence of work that we consider the most appropriate.
    trelag works by seeking engineering solutions for the challenges your company is facing today and also anticipating those of tomorrow. We work with preventive consultancies and strongly recommend this type of practice to our clients.
    Since different projects can differ significantly in terms of complexity level, the price of a solution is defined by taking into account several factors. We consider aspects such as the total estimated time needed for the project, the type of product/service delivered as a solution, and the degree of technical responsibility the solution will entail.
    As the initial contact, we always suggest a visit or meeting to better understand the needs and expectations of each client.
    Budgets are always prepared as soon as possible. We work intending to consistently deliver a budget within a week. However, this targeted deadline may vary for projects of high complexity and/or long duration.
    We do free technical visits throughout Porto Alegre (RS/Brazil) and its metropolitan region. For other locations, contact us, and we will find the best solution to take the trelag to you.